🤍 express myself better and understand my feelings
Your Initial Thoughts: INITIAL_THOUGHTS
Emotion Spectrum:
(Generate 5-7 emotion words that range in intensity and specificity based on INITIAL_THOUGHTS)
Potential Root Causes:
(Suggest 3-4 possible underlying reasons for these feelings, based on common psychological patterns)
Body Sensations:
(List 3-5 physical sensations that might be associated with these emotions)
Thought Patterns:
(Identify 2-3 potential thought patterns or beliefs that might be influencing these feelings)
Expressive Phrases:
(Provide 3-4 eloquent phrases that might help articulate these emotions more clearly)
(Create a metaphor that captures the essence of the described emotional state)
Reflective Questions:
(Generate 2-3 introspective questions to help deepen understanding of these feelings)
Suggested Journaling Prompts:
1. (Create a prompt related to exploring the identified emotions)
2. (Create a prompt for examining potential triggers)
3. (Create a prompt for envisioning a desired emotional state)
(Instructions: Based on the initial thoughts provided, generate a range of words, phrases, and prompts that help explore and articulate the emotional experience more fully. Aim for a balance of validation and gentle probing to encourage deeper self-understanding.)