
🤜 Empathy-Driven Conversion Copy Generator

Target Persona: PERSONA_NAME
Age Range: AGE_RANGE
Primary Problem: MAIN_PROBLEM
Secondary Challenges: CHALLENGE_1, CHALLENGE_2
Desired Outcome: GOAL
Product/Service: OFFERING

Emotional Triggers:
(Generate 5-7 emotionally charged words or phrases that resonate with PERSONA_NAME's struggles and aspirations)

Empathy Statement:
(Create a powerful opening statement that shows deep understanding of MAIN_PROBLEM)

Pain Point Elaboration:
(Develop 3 sentences that vividly describe the daily struggles related to MAIN_PROBLEM, CHALLENGE_1, and CHALLENGE_2)

Hope-Building Bridge:
(Write a transitional paragraph that shifts from pain to possibility, hinting at GOAL)

Solution Introduction:
(Present OFFERING as the answer to PERSONA_NAME's struggles, using empathetic language)
Benefit Spotlight:

(Highlight how OFFERING addresses MAIN_PROBLEM)
(Show how OFFERING helps with CHALLENGE_1)
(Demonstrate OFFERING's impact on CHALLENGE_2)

Transformation Story:
(Craft a brief before-and-after scenario of someone like PERSONA_NAME achieving GOAL)

Objection Crusher:
(Address the main objection PERSONA_NAME might have about OFFERING)

Emotional Call-to-Action:
(Create a compelling CTA that ties taking action to achieving GOAL)

Trust-Building Elements:
(Suggest 2-3 elements to incorporate, like testimonials or guarantees)

Keywords for Ad Targeting:
(Generate 5-7 keywords or phrases for PPC campaigns based on PERSONA_NAME's characteristics and struggles)
Run AI Template